HAPPY CHRISTMAS 2024 FROM THE TEAM AT SENSATION PAINTERS! We are extremely grateful for all…
Ready For Your Next Painting Project?
NOW is the best time to get this underway. SENSATION PAINTERS have some available capacity
CONTACT US to get started!
No project too big or too small.
The multi-skilled team at Sensation Painters have created a number of AWARD WINNING paint finishes on a variety of projects.
Interior and exterior
- Residential repaints
- Renovations – kitchen,
bathrooms and revamps - Apartments
- Rental properties
- Flats
- Baches
- Offices
- Businesses
Does your property require maintenance?
Regular maintenance saves money in the long run. Property maintenance includes:
Your Trusted Painting Professionals
You are dealing with top tradespeople who have a great reputation and take pride in their work.
We have key relationships with subcontractors
Do you have friends or family who are looking for someone to handle their painting project too?
We appreciate any referrals – get them to call Paul on 027 275 4319 or email paul@sensationpainters.co.nz